Four Merry Friends
Oil Pastel Sketch

Here’s another work in progress. I’ve been sketching ideas for my next canvas. This one I just might  try. There’s a small Mexican restaurant in town that would like to hang my pictures.  And this one might go with their ambiance,

Pomegranates in a Bowl

Pomegranates in a Bowl

24 x 24 in. acrylic on canvas

$200 + s/h

Pomegranate season is now and I just love the shape of this fruit. Plus, pomegranate juice is so yummy.

Fancy Chickens

Fancy Chickens
16 x 20 in. acrylic on canvas
$80 + s/h

The idea for this painting came from ‘THE DAILY Challenge” a while back. I set up the composition at open studio and all my paintings friends had fun with it.

Three Green Pears

Pears: One, Two, Three
12 x 12 in. acrylic on canvas
$40 + s/h

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I’m working on my brush strokes and limiting color.

White Lilly

White Lilly
24 x 18 in. acrylic on canvas
$100 + s/h

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Calla Lillies are interesting flowers to paint. I started with a red background and then while still wet began painting the lilly with gobs of white.

Three Peppers

Three Peppers

12 x 12 in. acrylic on canvas


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I’m just trying different pepper compositions since we have so many growing in our garden.

Making Salsa

Making Salsa

14 x 11 in. acrylic on canvas

$45 + s/h

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I picked these peppers from my husband’s garden. He’s famous for his home grown tomatoes and peppers. And…we love eating salsa.